Part 34: Update XXXII - Featuring: A cat-astrophe
Update XXXII - Featuring: A cat-astropheMusic: The Daily Grind

Jealous Man: Grahhh! I'm so jealous.
There are a few new lines today, but the vast majority of them are the same as before.

Now that we've irrevocably altered the timeline and completely retconned the 2020 games, let's go hang out with our good friend Mio!


VFD making the party leader an actual character without caring about who the leader actually is strikes again.
Because, see, this isn't some friendly teasing, the game is 100% treating this as a romantic thing.
With a 14 year old.
Now, I mentioned that F-Samurai is basically the face of the series for all the 3D games, and F-Sam in VFD is canonically around 15-16 years old, and this would actually be fine there as a baby's first crush kind of deal.
The problem is that you could very easily be playing as, say, M-God Hand, and suddenly this all becomes incredibly sketchy incredibly quickly.




Music: Stops

Thankfully, our date with Mio is cut short.

As she has a sudden bout of Dragon Sickness.

Hey there, Yoritomo, fancy meeting you here.


The game also treats this as a dramatic reveal when... we sorta already knew she had it?
Like, you even get to do the whole 'my friend has this issue,' thing with Allie when we first got hired, it should not be a surprise by now.

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Doctor Hori: It would be best if I tell you as plainly as possible... It's just as Mr. Yoritomo says. This girl has Dragon Sickness.

Doctor Hori: In its early stages, Dragon Sickness doesn't differ much from a common cold. It is only after the dragon miasma spreads through the body that serious symptoms begin to appear.

You can even confirm that you know!
Doctor Hori: I see... And yet you still treated her as a normal girl. I'm sure that brought her great joy. It can be difficult to act as though nothing is wrong when a friend has Dragon Sickness...
Doctor Hori: To tell you the truth, there has been an increase in Dragon Sickness patients recently. This girl was suppressing her symptoms with medicine, but she has taken a turn for the worse. She must be quite fatigued. She tried very hard to help out with her navigation skills.
Green hair? Incredible navigation ability? Slowly killing herself by using said abilities? She must be related to the NAVs from 2020.

Doctor Hori: There is no cure for Dragon Sickness. I assumed the ISDF Admiral would have known that. Luckily, her symptoms are still minor. We will be able to suppress them, at least for now. However, if you wish for her to be truly cured, you must destroy the source of the disease.

Doctor Hori: How do you feel?

Doctor Hori: There is no need to lie. You surely must feel the miasma coursing through your veins.

Doctor Hori: Your grandfather? Is he involved in medical practice?

Doctor Hori: Mikio Nagumo? Is that the same Professor Nagumo, from the ISDF Life Science Lab on Mt. Fuji!?

Doctor Hori: So you're Professor Nagumo's... The thought did cross my mind. Nagumo is a rare name, after all.

Dramatic irony!
Doctor Hori: No, no! Professor Nagumo is an amazing scientist!

Doctor Hori: Oops, my apologies. I let myself become too excited. However, Professor Nagumo is an amazing scientist!
Doctor Hori: He sparked a revolution in life science! Anyone who has had even a minor amount of experience in the field reveres him as a god! I did hear he quit ISDF, but to think he's retreated to a small clinic... My apologies. I let myself become too excited. It's important we focus on the girl right now. For now, we need someone to come get her. If it's Professor Nagumo, we have no need to worry.

They really aren't bothering to hide that Yoritomo is Mio's dad.

Doctor Hori: Hmmm. I don't mean to pry, but... what about your parents?

Doctor Hori: I see... You should remain hospitalized here until Professor Nagumo returns from his trip.

Doctor Hori: That's right. If something were to happen to you, I'd never be able to look the professor in the eyes.

Doctor Hori: That's right. So, how about it? Opal insists.

Doctor Hori: Well then, let me begin preparing for your hospitalization.

Doctor Hori: Ah, I see... That is a problem. However, it would be irresponsible of me to let you leave. Opal... Could you go inform Ms. Allie of the situation?


Doctor Hori: Ah, how good it must feel to be young and in love...
Doctor Hori: Well, leave the rest to us. Please report to Ms. Allie about the situation as soon as possible.
Music: The Daily Grind

Music: A Place to Come Home

We get a fade to black as Opal explains.

And just like that, we've gone from acknowledging Mio's impending death to cuddly cat cafes.



A place to relax that is also in the building, giving more incentive to employees to just stay at work and never go home.

I'm sorry, what?
Music: The Daily Grind

That's it. That's the entire scene. Allie just dumped cat catcher duty on us with no leads on where to find any cats.

Maybe Yoritomo will know where to find some cats.



...That was seconds ago. Do you have the War Room bugged or something?

Holy shit he actually does.

And with zero fanfare...
Music: UE77 Tokyo

The Tokyo Underground opens!

It doesn't even have any dragons or anything, this is 100% a filler dungeon.
Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

While every area in Atlantis got their own music, the Underground has to share with 7th Encount.

As for the dungeon itself...

They literally pulled it from 2020.
I guess the people of Tokyo just haven't bothered with trains for the past 80 years?
Music: Battlefield - UE77

We get some new enemies, but we're also stuck with the old battle music.
Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

There's cat number 1.

You get a stock meow soundclip whenever you rescue a cat.

Oh wait, they made a few changes to the underground.
By which I mean they removed all side paths. Which made up the majority of the dungeon in 2020.
In VFD, the Underground is a literal straight line.

Not all the rescue markers are cats, some of them are civilians like normal.
Vacant Student: Is this... a rescue...? How great... I'm... going to... be OK... Oh boy...

A better look at the blocked off paths.

Here's cat number 2.

And that's the first area done.

Nakano Station is much shorter.

There's cat number 3.

Music: Battlefield - UE77

For a bunch of lazy bears, they're very proactive in trying to kill us.

Aiden's still stupidly good at crowd clearing, however.

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals


There are also Blinding Mists and Ropers to go with the Stun Dekus.

Rude Scientist: These dragons are like, ridic. They want me to research that shit? No way, Jose!

And there's the last cat.

Nagamimi harping on about a Lucier cafe is foreshadowing the VFD Drama CD, which has exactly that happen.
The CD itself came out in...
November 2019?
You're telling me that the Drama CD for a 2016 JRPG almost got caught up in COVID???

There's one last area to clear out.

And that's it.
Music: UE77 Tokyo

That was the entire dungeon.
Next time: Cat cafes. Also 7th Encount.